A family of 5, Super Mom, USMC Dad, & three boys ages 5, 7, & 9. This is glimpse into the daily life of raising 3 American boys while living in Bangkok, Thailand.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

        It is late on a Saturday night, I have homework that needs to get done and I am already stressing over the events planned for tomorrow. So this will be short but I wanted to make sure that I continued my streak of posting!
       A short list without details of today's event included 9:30am soccer, a semi-relaxing afternoon, a 3pm phone call from my younger brother informing me of his step-kids birthday party that was at 6pm tonight, a 3 year old that found the one and only mud puddle in the back yard at the party, a 5 year old that had some hurt feelings because he is still a little to young to run off with the other kids, and a rescue of a 1 year old  from an exercise machine. I'll give more details tomorrow. Everyone is safe asleep in bed right now though.
       Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a birthday party at noon and another one at 4pm. I am not sure if I will have the energy to run after the kids all day. Keeping track of them at other people's houses with lots of people around is no fun and not very enjoyable for me, I hope the kids have fun. We will see if I make it to both the parties!


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